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Dear LANDAUER Clients,

A sincere thank you to all of you for continuing to provide care to patients during this extraordinary time. Know that our commitment to radiation safety and compliance measurement for you and your employees is unwavering.

The steps we’re taking:
Here at LANDAUER, we have a dedicated executive team that is managing the response to this unfortunate outbreak.
We continue to adhere to all best practices surrounding the manufacturing, handling, shipping and receiving of dosimeters to keep our own employees safe and to protect our shipping partners from COVID-19. This includes social distancing and hand disinfecting. Many employees are wearing gloves and wiping work surfaces often, among other steps.

What this means for you:
As for the Luxel®+, Saturn® ring and InLight® dosimeters, know that each of your shipments contain new, plastic outer casing material with each exchange. All plastic bag packaging is also new, therefore exposed to less handling.
While LANDAUER doesn’t make recommendations on infection control procedures for your facility, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides some guidance. For easy reference, here is the CDC section on cleaning and disinfection for surfaces contaminated with COVID19. These techniques would also be acceptable for cleaning dosimeters but not for sterilizing them.
Please refer to the table below for proper handling, disinfection and sterilization of dosimeters.

Disinfecting Dosimeters:Reference CDC COVID19 disinfecting techniques. Dosimeter Type: Luxel+ Whole Body Saturn® Rings LANDAUER Vision™. Disinfectant Options: Disinfecting wipe, liquid or spray. Sterilizing Dosimeters. Dosimeter Type: Luxel+ Whole Body. Sterilizing Options. Type: Saturn Rings 
Saturn Rings. Disinfectant Options: Betadine or Cidex
Hydrogen Peroxide Gas sterilization. Type: LANDAUER Vision. Disinfectant: Betadine or Cidex

Currently, we expect to keep the current wear periods intact as our operations are running normally to produce, ship, receive and analyze all dosimeters as planned. Should guidance from regulatory agencies change, we will advise you immediately. During this time of high uncertainty, we remain committed to enabling radiation safety and compliance for you.

We hope that you stay safe and sincerely thank you for the care you provide.

Chris Passmore, CHP
Vice-President, Global Services